Solid anti-slip products

Solid anti-slip products

2019-10-25|Kategoria: Branże / Inne Usługi

Anti-slip products is one of the most popular category of metal products in the offer of our company. First and foremost we sell standard installations such as lader rungs, non-slip platforms, lohr type sheets and othe specific types of products. All our elements are based on the best stainless steel and other metals. Some of the products can be adjusted to the individual needs of our clients. For example our non-slip platforms are available in different length, width and thickness. We guarantee very competitive prices for all our anti-slip material from steel and metal. The same wide choice of materials is realted to perforated sheets, coils, woven nets and other metal elements. All our products and different materials have very good certificates.

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Solid anti-slip products

Anti-slip products is one of the most popular category of metal products in the offer of our company. First and foremost we sell standard installations such as lader rungs, non-slip platforms, lohr type sheets and othe specific types of products. All our elements are based on the best stainless steel and other metals. ...

Solid anti-slip products